>From: "Jose Agripino" <jagripino_at_z...>
>Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 17:47:29 -0800
>Com certeza eu quero! Nao que som estereo ou nao no NES faca grande
Hehehe. Bom, o esquema fica na página do Chris Covell, um
Canadense louco por NES, que inclusive programou um jogo
side-scrolling com tanques para ser usado nos emuladores
para o Nes. Seu site e' mui interessante:
La' dentro, entrem direto no link "The Videogames Page".
E respondendo ao Emuloko, e', realmente os jogos do Nes nao
foram feitos "em estereo", mas o que o esquema faz, basicamente,
e' dividir os 5 canais de som nos dois canais (l e r).
Leia as proprias palavras do Chris (to com preguica de
"Okay, well, I should say that as the NES is a rather old system, it was not
intended to be in stereo. Thus, NES games do not
make use of stereo effects or anything like that. Here's basically how you
can get stereo sound:
The NES has 5 sound channels: 2 pulse wave, 1 triangle wave, 1 white noise,
and 1 sample channel. These sounds are
generated directly from within the NES' CPU, a modified 6502 processor. From
two pins on the CPU come these sound
channels, the two pulse channels on one, and the rest on the other. They
then get mixed together and go to the Audio jack and
RF modulator of the NES. Simply by taking the two channels before they get
mixed into one, you can get stereo sound.
Hooked up to an amplifier, and listened to on headphones, the effect really
does sound pretty neat. This can also be a way to
give your NES' audio output a MEGA BASS BOOST!! All is explained below."
O Below Above fica na pagina do sujeito, entao, visitem-na, please!
Aquele abraco,
Vladimir Veloso Peixoto - Dj Kax
Webmaster Super Nes by MultiGames Brasil
Membro da Canal3 Network
Recebida em Thu 09 Mar 2000 - 04:56:51 BRT