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Fwd: [intvprog] Intellicart: Taking Preorders

De: Carlos Silva <cmadruga_at_h...>
Data: Tue, 16 May 2000 14:14:22 PDT


Nao sei quantos de voces estao acompanhando o desenvolvimento do
Intellicart, mas aqui vai uma noticia interessante.

Alguem esta pensando em encomendar isto ? Eu sei que o preco e salgado, mas
tem louco pra tudo (tipo eu) :-)

Pra quem (eventualmente) se interessar em desenvolver novos jogos para o
Intellivision, o Intellicart promete ser bem legal.
Ele sera uma mistura da Megaram do MSX com o Supercharger do Atari.
(Sera que isso e possivel ?!?)

Alias, falando em desenvolvimento de jogos para o Intellivision, comecei a
colocar tutoriais de assembly CP1600 no meu site...

Quem for louco o bastante pra se interessar por este assunto, por favor me
de um feedback !

Um abraco

>From: Not Your Average Joe <im14u2c_at_p...>
>CC: chad_at_s...
>Subject: [intvprog] Intellicart: Taking Preorders
>Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 07:26:37 -0500 (CDT)
>Chad Schell recently posted this to, and
>since he doesn't subscribe to INTVPROG, I thought I should repost
>it here. I'd also like to add that the Intellicart is pretty darn
>cool. I have my own copy (I'm "beta testing", if you will), and
>it's pretty sweet. With a total of 64Kx16-bit memory on board and
>bank-switching support, it should support just about any Inty game
>you can come up with.
>Please see the Intellicart website for all the details:
>Chad Schell [chad_at_s...] posted:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am taking "preorders" for the Intellicart now. These are commitments
> > to buy one, they don't require that
> > you actually send money at this time. Please see the website for all
> > the details and the latest developments.
> >
> > Cost of the Intellicart will be $100.00, and I need orders in by Friday,
> > May 19, 2000.
> >
> > For those new to this, the Intellicart is a cartridge emulator for the
> > Intellivision, along the same lines as the
> > supercharger for the Atari 2600. It allows you to download ROM images
> > from your computer's serial port
> > for play on an actual Intellivision.
> >
> > All the details can be found at:
> >
> >
> > Thanks for your time,
> > Chad
> Joseph Zbiciak Not your average
> R$+@$=W <-- {$/{{.+ <-- modem noise
> !@#!@@! <-- Mr. Dithers swearing Zbiciak <-- Joe's last name
>---------------------- Member of the Intellivisionaries

Carlos Madruga
(Helixx) "Nana korobi, ya oki."
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Recebida em Tue 16 May 2000 - 14:14:22 BRT

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