Hi there!
Sorry for speaking English, hope you don't mind too much about that :)
I was wondering about the rarity of Atari 2600 stuff in Brazil.
At first, I thought 2600 games were pretty rare, but in the past 2-3
months many new Brazilian sellers have entered the Ebay scene.
It looks like CCE, Polyvox, Digivision, Imagic, Shockvision, JF,
Dactar and brands like that are pretty common in Brazil.
Other brands appear to be very rare indeed. I am thinking of
Splicevision carts and tapes for Canal3 and CompK7.
I am interested in hearing your opinions on this. A top-10 of
rarest Brazilian 2600 brands would be cool! :)
A top-10 of the rarest games would be nice as well. Any ideas?
PS: I am looking for Splicevision, Canal3 and CompK7 stuff,
the 2600 keyboard, and adult games or any other cool Brazil 2600 stuff
and am willing to pay good prices - please email me if you have any!
Recebida em Sat 10 Jun 2000 - 01:49:58 BRT