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Jogos impossiveis - Alguem discorda ?

De: Luís Filipe Mariante Gracioli <fzk_at_m...>
Data: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 19:10:33 -0700

Okz, minha galeria de jogos impossiveis;

TK90X - Savage

MSX1- Zanac 3

MSX1 Megaram - Fantasm Soldier

MSX2 - Undeadline

Master System - R-Type (Eu acabei esse!)

Genesis - Lots of´em !!! - Hellfire, Gaiares, Jewel Master

NES - Destination Earthstar

Amiga - Project X (a primeira versao!!!)


Luis Filipe M. Gracioli

Ryumaki - UIN #19407684

"So, understand!
Don't waste your time always searching those wasted years
Face up! Make your stand !
And realize you're living in the golden years!"

- Iron Maiden, "Wasted Years"

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Recebida em Tue 17 Oct 2000 - 14:15:02 BRST

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