ops ...de novo...
para aqueles que querem jogos do snes...:
( esta lista varia muito pois faço negócio com elas todo dia...
compro vendo troco, entao talvez eu não tenha mais disponivel todos estes
e tenha outros diferentes...obs- 98% pirata....)
the magical quest (mickey
the adventures of batman e robin
power rangers the movie
omega brazil 97
mortal kombat 3
batman returns
side pocket
dragon bruce lee
wrestle mania
power pigs
super punch out
real monstars
por pig
nba give e go
shaq fu
yogi bear zé colmeia
turtles tournament fighter
justice league
the jungle book
fatal fury special
cut throat island
the tick
separation anxiet - homem aranha
adam's family values
bugs bunny - pernalonga
daffy duck
gunb force
bubsy 2
super r type
micky mania
road runner
soccer shoot out
primal rage
super formation soccer 94
tony meolas side kick
nba live 97
world hero 2
nba live 95
vegas stakes
kick boxer
top gear
nba live 96
super tetris + bombliss
street fighter 2 turbo
super pinbal
nhl hockey
super street fighter 2
super soccer champ
final fight 2
kyle pets no fear racing
the ninja warriors
saturday night slam masters
super soccer
mohawks e headphone jack
aero acrobat 2
street fighter 3 super
art of fighting
f zero
prince of persia 2
suzuka 8 hours
capitain commando
fifa internatonal soccer
pink panther
street fighter v
super battle tank 2 (original
timon e punba
mrs pac man
campeonato brasileiro 96
college slam
zico soccer
[As partes desta mensagem que não continham texto foram removidas]
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Recebida em Fri 24 Nov 2000 - 03:58:55 BRST