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Sega a perigo!

De: Caio Soares de Souza <solvalou_at_a...>
Data: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 19:30:52 -0200

Sega least profitable company in Japan

We knew things were bad, but this is ridiculous. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun
has reported that Sega is now the biggest financial loser in Japanese

Oh dear. If this isn't the largest damnation of Dreamcast and Sega possible,
we have no idea what is. The Nihon Keizai Shimbun has reported that the
company is now the least profitable in Japan, having spanked an insane
amount of money in the last two years and being incapable of turning the
corner back to the black. Losses for fiscal 2000 were over $500 million and
the financial year ending March 2001 is likely to be in the same vein,
according to analysts.
According to the Japanese news service, losses for the year up to September
were over $250 million. Look guys, just stop spending money, alright? Patch
up the holes in your pockets or something. Repeat after us: must. not.
haemorrhage. cash.

Let's put this in perspective. Sega edged out a Japanese milk company who's
dodgy cow juice made children ill for the prize at being the most
catastrophic money bleeder in the country. Please. Please. Just stop it.
It's really too much.

Recebida em Wed 06 Dec 2000 - 13:32:04 BRST

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