Nossa! Nunca tinha pensado nisso...
É por isso que o ColecoVision dá um pau feio no Atari! HEHEHEHE!
> Olha só, lendo o FAQ do Atari 5200, o que eu achei:
> ------
> The 5200 was originally conceived as Atari's answer to Mattel's
> Intellivision, NOT the Colecovision as many people think. As an
> example, the 5200's analog joystick was a response to Mattel touting
> its unit having 16 positions of movement compared to the 2600's
> eight. Atari's plan was to upstage the Intellivision in this area by
> creating an analog controller with 360 degrees of full motion
> control.
> ------
> Ou seja, aparentemente ele não foi concebido para "combater" o Colecovision
> e sim o Intellivision.
> Alguém sabe de algo ???
Recebida em Wed 18 Apr 2001 - 11:10:32 BRT