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Encontro de ZX Spectrum

De: Eduardo Luccas <elucas_at_s...>
Data: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 20:01:30 -0300

Galera, olha só:

During the weekend of May 19 and 20, the first International Spectrum &
Sam Days are held in Stein, Netherlands. This is the largest Spectrum
meeting in Western Europe and it is organised by the Dutch HCC/Spectrum
Group and the German SPC Spectrum user group from Wolfgang and Monica
Haller. You're all invited (free of charge)! For more information,
please see the HCC Site
(available in Dutch, English and German). I know I'll be there!

Vamos lá ???

é, vamos pensando num BIG encontro tb por aqui !!!

Eduardo Luccas
Recebida em Sun 22 Apr 2001 - 15:59:05 BRT

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