Agripa, Daniel e outros que tem o +3...
achei esses trecos aqui, testem pra ver se funciona...
fiquei curioso.
Requires: Blank floppy disk inserted
Easter Egg: Reset your speccy and as soon as the screen goes blank, hold
Q,A,Z,P,L & M together.
I can't remember if this enters the sound to light or the diag. screen.
If you get a black screen, try playing a tape (connected to the audio
input) and you should get a colourful display that reacts to the
volume/frequency of the tape.
In addition to this, hold the following keys together : U,I & O.
The computer should then enter a diagnostic screen used for Quality control
on the factory production line.
>From here you can test the ULA, keyboard, disk driver, tape input, etc.
WARNING ! The 3" disk inserted will be WIPED so please don't have a games
disk inserted !
This is from memory and the keys may be incorrect - try variations and
you'll get it in the end !
Requires: +2A or +3 Model
Easter Egg: In the 128 BASIC editor type "copy randomize" (without quotes).
If you press enter and quickly hold the keys C, J and L before the error
beep, you'll get a colourful screen displaying a hello message.
Eduardo Luccas
elucas_at_s... - eduardo_at_a...
Atari 2600 - Odyssey
Intellivision - Colecovision
Apple II - TK/ZX Spectrum - MSX
Evite as drogas - use sempre um Macintosh
Recebida em Wed 27 Feb 2002 - 11:01:35 BRT