Li isso hoje na AtariAge. A noticia e' legal, mas lembrem-se que
isso ja' existe aqui no Brasil (o 6592, usado no MegaBoy, por
exemplo, e' um desses), embora o trequinho esta' ficando meio
raro :)
Electronics engineer Carlos Lopez has revealed his plans to create an
Atari 2600 on a single chip. This chip will include the Television
Interface Adapter (TIA), 6532 Parallel Interface Adapter (PIA), and the
6507 core, all wrapped up in a single FPGA chip. One of the goals of
this project is to allow the manufacture of portable Atari 2600 systems
without having to salvage parts from existing 2600 boards (such as the
-- Leandro Pereira (oO) <leandro_at_l...> /||\ GPG key: 0x062E7976 "Se você obedece a todas as regras, acaba perdendo toda a diversão." --Katherine Hepburn .Recebida em Wed 21 Aug 2002 - 19:47:29 BRT