> E se fosse implantado um chip no Atari contendo toda a
> sua biblioteca de jogos?
Boa essa sua idéia!
Hoje em dia memória não é tão caro como antigamente... Daria pra colocar
todos os jogos embutidos nele!
Alguem sabe se isso é viável?
Matheus Fraguas
He shall appear from a far eastern land across the sea.
A young man who has yet to know his potential.
This potential is a power that could either
destroy him or realise his will.
His courage shall determine his fate.
The path he must traverse, fraught with adversity.
I wait whilst praying,
for this destiny predetermined since ancient times.
A pitch-black night unfolds
with the morning star as its only light.
And thus the saga ... begins.
Recebida em Thu 29 Aug 2002 - 13:33:59 BRT