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Re: Looking for Brazilian Odyssey games

De: ³¹¹ <andre311_at_t...>
Data: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 20:35:57 -0000

You're looking just for Odyssey games? There's anything else that
interest ya?
Where do you live?


--- Em canal3_at_y..., "dieterk_ccc" <han.solo.2000_at_g...> escreveu
> Hi!
> I live in Europe and I am looking for most of the Brazilian
> games. I will buy them or trade for European games. Please take a
> look on my trade list (approximately 350 items there) at
> I am only interested in complete games with docs + box (+ index
> prefered).
> Please eMail me at ccc_at_d...
> Thanks,
> ccc---
Recebida em Tue 15 Oct 2002 - 13:35:59 BRT

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