Respondendo à minha própria pergunta sobre os TRS Color, e fazendo uma nova
(no final do e-mail)
CoCo 1 - The first Color Computer, it was first sold in 1980 and originally
had only Color BASIC, 4Kb of memory, 32-column screen, and a chicklet
keyboard. It was based on a design originally from Motorola. It used a
.89MHz MC6809E. A compact cassette recorder or Program Paks were used.
Later versions came with 16Kb/32Kb/64Kb and Extended Color BASIC. Disk
BASIC was the required environment to handle disk drives, and some
third-parties created their own improved but compatible Disk Operating
Systems (DOS). By changing memory chips, setting jumpers, and removing
some capacitors, the CoCo 1 memory could be expanded up to 64Kb, minimum to
run OS-9 Level 1.
CoCo 2 - The Color Computer 2 is a refined -- but fully compatible --version
of the original Color Computer. The refinements consist mostly of a new,
smaller case with a typewriter-looking keyboard and redesigned motherboard.
Also, the later CoCo 2s wwere able to generate true lowercase letters (NOTE:
later model CoCo 2s that said "Tandy" instead of TRS-80 had the lowercase)
instead of "reverse video". Besides that, it has the same 64Kb/32-column
limitation of its antecessor. This CoCo was in the same price range of
machines as the Atari 8-bit series and the Commodore 64.
CoCo 3 - The last Color Computer has quite a collection of improvements as
compared to the previous machines: true 80-column, higher resolution
graphics, and more memory -- the barebones configuration comes with 128 Kb
of RAM that can be expanded up to 512k through Tandy, but up to 2Mb from
third-party vendors. It was intended more as competition for Atari's ST
series and the original Commodore Amiga. The CoCo 3 can run OS-9 Level 2.
The CoCo 3 also allowed the famous speed-up poke (POKE 65497,0 and POKE
65496,0) to double the clock speed to 1.78 mhz.
Eu me lembro de um POKE (que aprendi na INPUT) para aumentar a velocidade do
CP-400, que, se não me engano, era POKE 65495,1. Será que funcionava da
mesma forma que no CoCo 3, descrito acima ? Alguém aí tem um CP-400 pra
conferir se funciona ?
Um abração,
Recebida em Mon 09 Dec 2002 - 06:05:36 BRST