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Melhores games que eu ja joguei (por plataforma)

De: Carlos Bragatto <amazin_at_s...>
Data: Sun, 07 Jan 1996 21:55:46 -0200


de leve,
o que eu me lembro de cabeca:
(nao que sejam os melhores, mas que eu realmente gostei
de jogar)

ZX81: 3D Monster Maze
MSX: Penguim Adventure (o de Megaram)
MSX2: SD Snatcher em Ingles
MSX2+: F1 Spirit 3D Special
TRS-80 (CP500) Android Nim (era um jogo de 21, massa!!!)
Spectrum 48K: Midnight Resistance
Spectrum 128K: Robocop 2 ou Where time stood still
Apple II: Oregon Trail
Apple //e: Roger Rabbit
Commodore64: Mayhem in Monsterland
Amiga ECS: Turrican 3
Amiga AGA: Nigel Mansell CD32
Macintosh: Marathon
PowerMac: F18 Korea
PowerMac G3: Virtual Game Station (emulador de PSX)
Atari 2600: H.E.R.O.
Atari 5200: Starraiders
Atari 7800: Commando
Colecovision: PepperII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Odyssey: Come Come (K.C. Munchkin 2) e Senhor das Trevas
Odyssey3: Senhor das Trevas Plus
Intellivision: Burgertime
NES: Ninja Gaiden III
Master System: Gangster Town
S-NES: F-Zero
Megadrive: Streets of Rage 2 (que musica caralhal)
TG-16: Bonk !
Lynx: Toki
GameGear: Jurassic Park
GameBoy: Donkey Kong Land
3DO: Putt Putt (nao, brincadeira, eh Blade Force)
CD32: Zool 2
SegaCD: Tomcat Alley
32X: Virtua Fighter
Saturn: Darkstalkers
Playstation: Medal of Honor

Sei la


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at sum dot desktop dot com dot br
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